Magento backend save action


Category Url rewrite

This particular place in Magento has some intricaties that are daunting for the developers and critical for the Marketing team.

A category can be setup with different url rewrite for different stores. The critical part consists in validating that the canonical url matches the url key for each categories in the category path.

Let’s take a category Category 1 (url key cat1) and a first child category for it Category 12 (url key cat12)

When both categories are setup on the global scope, we have the path category is cat1/cat12

Let’s explore the use cases for the url path when the scope category data are modified:

use case 1: the category url key is set for the global scope and the category url key is not set for either of the default store or custom store: only store 0 has a url key

global scope: store id = 0, url path: cat1/cat12

use case 2: the child category uses a global url key for the default store and uses a custom url key (cat12_2) for the custom store (store 2)

global scope: store id = 0, url path: cat1/cat12

custom store scope: store id = 2, url path: cat1/cat12_2

use case 3: the child category uses a custom url key for the default store (cat12_1) and uses a global url key for the custom store (store 2)

global scope: store id = 0, url path: cat1/cat12

default store scope: store id = 1, url path: cat1/cat12_1

use case 4: the child category uses a custom url key (cat12_1) for the default store and uses a custom url key (cat12_2) for the custom store (store 2)

global scope: store id = 0, url path: cat1/cat12

default store scope: store id = 1, url path: cat1/cat12_1

custom store scope: store id = 2, url path: cat1/cat12_2